Structure Deck 20: Lost Sanctuary

Master Hyperion

You can remove from play 1 "Agent" monster from your side of the field, hand, or Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster from your Graveyard to select 1 card on the field and destroy it. If you control a face-up "The Sanctuary in the Sky", you can use this effect up to twice per turn.
The Agent of Mystery - Earth

Effect:When this card is Normal Summoned, you can add 1 "Agent" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "The Agent of Mystery - Earth". If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, you can add 1 "Master Hyperion" to your hand instead.
The Agent Of Wonder-Jupiter

Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 "Agent" monster from your Graveyard to select 1 face-up LIGHT Fairy-Type monster you control. It gains 800 ATK until the End Phase. Once per turn, if "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, you can discard 1 Fairy-Type monster from your hand to select 1 of your removed from play LIGHT Fairy-Type monsters, and Special Summon it.
Archlord Kristya

Ya todos lo conocen no?
Bueno, para los Japon va a ser Comun en el Structure que envidia...
Cards of Haven

Activate by removing from play 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster in your hand. Draw 2 cards. During the turn your activated this card, you cannot Special Summon not perform your Battle Phase
Divine Punishment

Activate only if "The Sanctuary in the Sky" on the field. Negate the activation of an opponent's Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect, and destroy it.
Esta ultima similar a la barrier de los Infernity el deck esta muy bueno y pues se podria convinar de varias formas desde con el heraldo de la perfeccion hasta con luminosos, Esperemos que este deck no sea igual al deck Dragunity, que nunca salio para nosotros, ojala que este deck no corra el riesgos de seguir por el mismo camino...
Estas 5 cartas son el soporte sustentable de los fairy`s aunque se pueden complementar con muchas mas valhalla, Athena, etc etc..
Hall of the Fallen

Once per turn, if you control no monsters, you can Special Summon 1 Fairy-Type monster from your hand.
Lo mejor de todo es la reimpresion del solem judment, en si el deck fairy a mi parecer siempre ha sido muy bueno solo que extremadamente caro, ahora que sale tetis y krystia comunes se puede pensar que se podra demotrar todo el poder de las hadas jajaja
Por ultimo les dejo el spoiler del deck:
SD20-JP001 Master Hyperion
SD20-JP002 The Agent of Mystery - Earth
SD20-JP003 The Agent of Wonder - Jupiter
SD20-JP004 The Agent of Judgment - Saturn
SD20-JP005 The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury
SD20-JP006 The Agent of Creation - Venus
SD20-JP007 The Agent of Force - Mars
SD20-JP008 Mystical Shine Ball
SD20-JP009 Splendid Venus
SD20-JP010 Tethys, Goddess of Light
SD20-JP011 Victoria
SD20-JP012 Archlord Kristya
SD20-JP013 Marshmallon
SD20-JP014 Hecatrice
SD20-JP015 Shining Angel
SD20-JP016 Soul of Purity and Light
SD20-JP017 Airknight Parshath
SD20-JP018 Nova Summoner
SD20-JP019 Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
SD20-JP020 Honest
SD20-JP021 Hanewata
SD20-JP022 Consecrated Light
SD20-JP023 Treasure of Heaven
SD20-JP024 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
SD20-JP025 Terraforming
SD20-JP026 Smashing Ground
SD20-JP027 The Sanctuary in the Sky
SD20-JP028 Celestial Transformation
SD20-JP029 Burial from a Different Dimension
SD20-JP030 Mausoleum of the Emperor
SD20-JP031 Solidarity
SD20-JP032 The Fountain in the Sky
SD20-JP033 Divine Punishment
SD20-JP034 Return from the Different Dimension
SD20-JP035 Torrential Tribute
SD20-JP036 Beckoning Light
SD20-JP037 Miraculous Descent
SD20-JP038 Solemn Judgment