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miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

Estados del juego: ¿Quién podrá activar el próximo efecto?

A veces puede hacer una gran diferencia quien activa primero su efecto y lo pone en el primer Eslabón de Cadena. Por eso, en este tomo vamos a ver cómo darnos cuenta quién tiene la oportunidad de activar su próximo efecto en cualquier momento durante todo el juego. En otras palabras quien tiene que “seguir” (“go next”).
Si me preguntan de qué estoy hablando, esta es una nueva regla que reemplazó a lo que llamábamos “prioridad” del jugador activo. La “prioridad” ya no existe. Y repito el consejo de muchos duelistas: olvídense de la “prioridad”. En cambio apréndanse esta nueva regla que ya está vigente. (ver Sitio Oficial en Inglés)
Paralyzing ChainPara simplificar un poco la explicación de esta nueva mecánica del juego, conviene primero conocer un nuevo término: “fast effect”. Con activar un “Fast effect” nos vamos a referir a activar cartas y efectos con una Velocidad de Hechizo 2 o mayor, incluyendo Efectos Rápidos de monstruos, Cartas Mágicas de Juego Rápido, y Cartas de Trampa (lo que incluye tanto activar Cartas de Trampa, como activar los efectos de cosas como Cartas de Trampa Continuas)
Como ya saben, los “fast effects” pueden ser activados por cualquier jugador (incluso durante el turno del oponente), siempre y cuando se den las condiciones apropiadas para activarlos y si los dos jugadores quieren activar “fast effects” al mismo tiempo se ubican en una cadena (ver “Otras Reglas”).

¿Qué es “Seguir”?  
“Seguir” es una nueva terminología que significa que el jugador tiene la oportunidad de activar su próximo “fast effect”. Normalmente, el jugador activo es el que tiene la oportunidad de “seguir” (“go next”). No obstante, durante una Cadena, la oportunidad de “seguir” va y viene entre los jugadores. (Ver “Cadenas y Velocidades de Hechizo”.)
Además, si el jugador activo no quiere hacer nada, y en cambio prefiere ir a la próxima Fase/Paso (Phase/Step), el oponente tiene la oportunidad de “seguir”, y activar un “fast effect”, antes de que el turno proceda.
Cuando un jugador decide “seguir” y realiza una acción, “pasa”  la oportunidad de “seguir” al oponente. Si el jugador que tiene la opción de “seguir” decide no hacer nada, también “pasa” la capacidad de “seguir” al otro jugador. Para entender mejor esto, miren el gráfico que está abajo y vean cuál es el jugador que puede “seguir” en relación a los “fast effects”.
El estado del juego es “abierto”
Cuando el estado del juego se considera “abierto”, el jugador activo tiene total libertad para hacer lo que quiera. Cada vez que comienza una Fase o un Paso el estado del juego se considera “abierto”. Este momento (el inicio de cada Fase/Paso, cuando el estado del juego se considera “abierto”) está ubicado en la sección A del gráfico.
Muchas acciones SÓLO pueden ser hechas cuando el estado del juego es “abierto” (cuando estás en la sección A).
Estas son sólo algunas acciones posibles:
  • Hacer una Invocación Normal (incluido una Invocación por Sacrificio)
  • Colocar una carta
  • Hacer una Invocación Especial que no inicie una Cadena (incluido Invocaciónes Xyz e Invocaciónes por Sincronía)
  • Cambiar la Posición de Batalla de un monstruo
  • Intentar ir a la siguiente Fase/Paso
  • Agarrar la carta que te corresponde durante tu Draw Phase
  • Declarar un ataque
  • Activar un Efecto de Encendido
  • Activar una Carta Mágica de Velocidad de Hechizo 1
  • Activar un “fast effect”
El estado del juego es “cerrado”
Cada vez que cualquier jugador realiza una acción, el estado del juego deja de ser abierto. Para que el estado vuelva a ser “abierto”, ningún jugador debe querer hacer nada más, y ya nada está debe estar sucediendo (Ej: resolviendo una cadena). En otras palabras, el estado vuelve a ser “abierto” cuando:
  • El jugador activo tiene la oportunidad para activar un fast effect
  • Y el jugador activo “pasa”
  • Y el oponente también “pasa”
  • Y no está siendo formada ninguna Cadena
Movimiento entre las Fases/Pasos del turno
Si el estado del juego es abierto, y el jugador activo elige no hacer nada, y el oponente deja pasar la oportunidad de activar un fast effect, y ambos jugadores están de acuerdo con que se continúe con el turno, entonces te movés a la siguiente Fase/Paso.

Estado¿Estamos en una Cadena?
¿Quién tiene la siguiente oportunidad para activar el siguiente fast effect?
¿En dónde estamos dentro del gráfico?
El estado del juego es abierto. El jugador activo tiene que tomar la siguiente acción, y puede hacer cualquier acción que sea apropiada para esa fase/paso.NoEl Jugador ActivoA
Después de una acción que NO inicia una Cadena.
(Invocación Normal/ Colocación de un monstruo, Colocación de una Carta, Invocación Especial que no inicia una Cadena, declaración de un ataque, cambio de la posición de batalla, etc.)
Si hay algún efecto que sea disparadoSi
El jugador que NO activó el último efecto en la Cadena.
(Siguiendo las reglas normales de una Cadena.)
Si no hay ningún efecto que pueda ser disparadoNoEl Jugador ActivoB
Si el Jugador Activo pasaNoEl AdversarioC
El Jugador Activo activó una carta o el efecto de alguna carta.
(Magicas, Trampas, efectos de Magia/Trampa, o efectos de Cartas de Monstruos  - de cualquier Velocidad de Hechizo)
El jugador que NO activó el efecto.
(Siguiendo las reglas normales de una Cadena.)
Después de resolverse la CadenaSi hay algún efecto que sea disparadoSi
El jugador que NO activó el último efecto en la Cadena.
(Siguiendo las reglas normales de una Cadena.)
Si no hay ningún efecto que pueda ser disparadoNoEl Jugador ActivoB
Si el Jugador Activo pasaNoEl AdversarioC
El Jugador Activo pasaNoEl AdversarioE

Fuentes consultadas:

martes, 1 de enero de 2013

Como Blazer

Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Cosmo Blazer

Cosmo Blazer

CBLZ-JP001 Dododo Bot

CBLZ-JP001 Dododo Bot
EARTH/Machine - Effect/4/1800/1900
If this card is Normal Summoned, it must be Set in face-down Defense Position. If this card attacks, until the end of the Damage Step, this card remains unaffect by all card effects other than this card's.

CBLZ-JP002 Gogogo Ghost

CBLZ-JP002 Gogogo Ghost [Rare]
DARK/Undead - Effect/4/1900/0
If this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can select 1 "Gogogo Golem" from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Defense Position. Afterwards, change this card to Defense Position. The effect of "Gogogo Ghost" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP003 Tasukeleton

CBLZ-JP003 Tasukeleton
DARK/Undead - Effect/2/700/600
Activate by removing from play this card in your Graveyard during a Battle Step a Monster battles. Negate that monster's attack. This effect can be activated during your opponent's turn. The effect of "Tasukeleton" can only be used once per duel.

CBLZ-JP004 Amarylease

CBLZ-JP004 Amarylease
EARTH/Plant - Effect/1/100/200
During your Main Phase, you can activate this effect by removing from play this card in your Graveyard. Once during this turn, if you Normal Summon a Monster, you can do it with 1 Release less than necessary. The effect of "Amarylease" can only be activated once per turn.

CBLZ-JP005 Zexal Weapon - Lightning Blade

CBLZ-JP005 Zexal Weapon - Lightning Blade [Rare]
LIGHT/Beast - Effect/1200/2000
During your Main Phase, you can equip this card from your hand or this monster you control to a "Aspiring Emperor, Hope" Monster as Equip Card, that has it gain 1200 ATK. Also, if this card is equipped as Equip Card to a monster, "Zexal Weapon" cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by a card effect, destroy this card instead. You can control only 1 face-up "Zexal Weapon - Lightning Blade" at the same time.

CBLZ-JP006 Zexal Weapon - Tornado Bringer

CBLZ-JP006 Zexal Weapon - Tornado Bringer [Rare]
WIND/Dragon - Effect/5/1300/1800
During your Main Phase, you can equip this card from your hand or this monster you control to a "Aspiring Emperor, Hope" Monster as Equip Card, that has it gain 1300 ATK. Also, if this card is equipped as Equip Card, the equipped monster cannot become the target of your opponent's card effects. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead. You can control only 1 face-up "Zexal Weapon - Tornado Bringer" at the same time.

CBLZ-JP007 Zexal Weapon - Ultimate Shield

CBLZ-JP007 Zexal Weapon - Ultimate Shield
EARTH/Aqua - Effect/4/0/2000
When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can select 1 of your removed from play Xyz Monster and Special Summon it to your field in face-up Defense Position. Also, during your Main Phase, you can equip this monster you control to an "Aspiring Emperor, Hope" Monster you control as Equip Card, that has it gain 2000 DEF. You can control only 1 face-up "Zexal Weapon - Ultimate Shield" at the same time.

CBLZ-JP008 Gagaga Clerk

CBLZ-JP008 Gagaga Clerk [Super Rare]
EARTH/Warrior - Effect/2/400/800
If you control a "Gagaga" Monster other than a "Gagaga Clerk", you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

CBLZ-JP009 Spear Shark

CBLZ-JP009 Spear Shark
WATER/Fish - Effect/4/1600/1400
When this card is Normal Summoned successfully, you can increase the Level of all Level 3 Fish-Type Monster you control by 1. When this card attacks a Defense Position Monster, and its ATK exceeds that monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

CBLZ-JP010 Two-Headed Shark

CBLZ-JP010 Two-Headed Shark
WATER/Fish - Effect/4/1200/1600
When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can reduce the Level of all Level 4 Fish-Type Monster you control by 1. This card can attack twice per Battle Phase.

CBLZ-JP011 Xyz Remora

CBLZ-JP011 Xyz Remora 
WATER/Fish - Effect/4/800/800
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing 2 Xyz Materials you control. When this card is successfully Special Summoned this way, you can select 2 Level 4 Fish-Type Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon them in face-up Defense Position. Monsters Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack or change their Battle Position and have their effect(s) negated. Also, if a Monster Special Summoned by this effect is used as Xyz Material, it can only be for the Xyz Summon of a WATER Monster.

CBLZ-JP012 Ancient Shark Hyper Megalodon 

CBLZ-JP012 Ancient Shark Hyper Megalodon [Rare]
WATER/Fish - Effect/8/2900/1300
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and destroy 1 monster your opponent controls.

CBLZ-JP013 Heraldic Beast Basilisk

CBLZ-JP013 Heraldic Beast Basilisk
EARTH/Beast - Effect/4/1000/1400
Destroy an opponent's Monster that battle with this card after the Damage Calculation.

CBLZ-JP014 Heraldic Beast Yale

CBLZ-JP014 Heraldic Beast Yale
EARTH/Beast - Effect/4/1000/1800
If you control 2 or more "Heraldic Beast" Monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

CBLZ-JP015 Heraldic Beast Twinhead Eagle

CBLZ-JP015 Heraldic Beast Twinhead Eagle [Rare]
WIND/Bird - Effect/4/1200/1400
Activate this effect by removing from play this card in your Graveyard, and selecting 1 Xyz Monster without Xyz Materials you control and 2 "Heraldic Beast" Monster in your Graveyard. Place the selected Monsters from your Graveyard under the selected Xyz Monster as Xyz Materials. The effect of "Heraldic Beast Twinhead Eagle" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP016 Heraldic Beast Unicorn

CBLZ-JP016 Heraldic Beast Unicorn
LIGHT/Beast - Effect/4/1100/1600
Activate this effect by removing from play this card in your Graveyard, and selecting 1 Psychic-Type Xyz Monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon the selected Monster. It has its effect(s) negated. The effect of "Heraldic Beast Unicorn" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP017 Heraldic Beast Leo

CBLZ-JP017 Heraldic Beast Leo [Rare]
EARTH/Beast - Effect/4/2000/1000
Destroy this card during the End Phase of the turn it was Normal Summoned. Also, when this card is sent to the Graveyard, add 1 "Heraldic Beast" Monster from your Deck to your hand, except a "Heraldic Beast Leo". The effect of "Heraldic Beast Leo" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP018 Garbage Ogre

CBLZ-JP018 Garbage Ogre 
DARK/Demon - Effect/3/800/1300
During your Main Phase, you can activate this effect by sending this card from your hand to the Graveyard. Add 1 "Garbage Lord" from your deck to your hand. The effect of "Garbage Oger" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP019 Garbage Lord

CBLZ-JP019 Garbage Lord [Rare]
DARK/Demon - Effect/5/0/2400
You can pay 2000 Life Points to Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is used as Xyz Material, it can only be used for the Xyz Summon of a DARK Monster.

CBLZ-JP020 Orbital 7

CBLZ-JP020 Orbital 7 [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/500/2000
When this card is flipped face-up, place 1 "Yes Sir!" Counter on this card. During your Main Phase you can remove all "Yes Sir!" Counter on this card, this card's ATK becomes 2000 but it cannot attack your opponent directly this turn and is sent to the Graveyard during the End Phase. Also, you can activate this effect by Releasing this card. Select 1 "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster in your Graveyard and add it to your hand.

CBLZ-JP021 Hero Flame Star - Hawkeye

CBLZ-JP021 Hero Flame Star - Hokuei 
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/3/200/1500
If this card is destroyed by you opponent, you can select 1 "Flame Dance" Magic Card from your deck and set it to your field. Also, if you control a "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Card, all "Flame Star" Monster you control gain 500 ATK and DEF.

CBLZ-JP022 Agile Flame Star - Saven

CBLZ-JP022 Agile Flame Star - Seivun 
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/3/200/1800
If this card on the field is sent to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Flame Dance" Magic Card from your Deck and set it to your field. Also, while this card is face-up on the field, "Flame Dance" Magic and Trap Cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

CBLZ-JP023 Brave Flame Star - Enshou

CBLZ-JP023 Brave Flame Star - Enshou [Rare]
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1600/1000
Once per turn, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Flame Dance" Magic Card from your deck and set it to your field. Also, once per turn, you can activate this effect by sending 1 face-up "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Card to the Graveyard. Destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field.

CBLZ-JP024 Dark Flame Star - Yuushi

CBLZ-JP024 Dark Flame Star - Yuushi 
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1600/1200
Once per turn, when this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select 1 "Flame Dance" Magic Card from your deck and set it to your field. Also, once per turn, you can activate this effect by sending 1 face-up "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Card to the Graveyard. Select 1 Monster on the field and destroy it.

CBLZ-JP025 Minute Flame Star - Ryuushishin

CBLZ-JP025 Minute Flame Star - Ryuushishin [Rare]
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1800/400
Once per turn, if you activate a "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Card, you can select 1 "Flame Dance" Trap Card from your deck and set it to your field. Also, once per turn, you can activate this effect by sending 2 face-up "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Cards you control to the Graveyard. Select 1 "Flame Star" Monster other than a "Minute Flame Star - Ryuushishin" in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.

CBLZ-JP026 Majestic Flame Star - Snarin

CBLZ-JP026 Majestic Flame Star - Suneirin 
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1800/600
Once per turn, if you sent a "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Card to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Flame Dance" Trap Card from your deck and set it on your field. Also, if you control no other Monster than this card, once per turn, you can activate this effect by sending 2 face-up "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Cards to the Graveyard. Draw 1 card.

CBLZ-JP027 Prestige Flame Star - Hienshaku

CBLZ-JP027 Prestige Flame Star - Hienshaku [Super Rare]
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/5/2000/800
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by sending 3 face-up "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Cards you control to the Graveyard. When this card is successfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, you can select 1 "Flame Dance" Trap Card from your deck and set it on your field. The effect of "Prestige Flame Star - Hienshaku" can only be used once per turn. Also, while this card is face-up on the field, Beast-Warrior Monster you control cannot become the target of your opponent's card effects.

CBLZ-JP028 Haze Beast Zerberus

CBLZ-JP028 Haze Beast Zerberus
FIRE/Beast - Effect/6/2000/200
You can Normal Summon this card without Release. If Summoned this way its original ATK becomes 1000. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select this card as target of card effects. Also, when this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 "Haze" Card from your Deck to your hand.

CBLZ-JP029 Haze Beast Gryphus

CBLZ-JP029 Haze Beast Gryphus
FIRE/Bird - Effect/6/200/2100
If your opponent controls a Monster, and if you control no Monster and have only FIRE Monster(s) in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select this card as target of card effects.

CBLZ-JP030 Haze Beast Sphinx

CBLZ-JP030 Haze Beast Sphinx
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/6/1900/1900
While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select this card as target of card effects. Also, once per turn during your Main Phase, you can activate this effect by declaring a Card Type (Monster, Magic or Trap). Send the top card from your deck to the Graveyard, and if it is of the declared Type, you can select 1 FIRE Monster in your hand or Graveyard and Special Summon it. The effect of "Haze Beast Sphinx" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP031 Haze Beast Peryton

CBLZ-JP031 Haze Beast Peryton [Rare]
FIRE/Pyro - Effect/6/1600/1700
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of a "Haze Beast" Monster. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select this card as target of card effects. Also, you can activate this effect by sending 1 FIRE Monster from your hand to the Graveyard, and Releasing this card. Special Summon 2 "Haze Beast" Monster from your Deck. The effect of "Haze Beast Peryton" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP032 Mermail - Abyssdine

CBLZ-JP032 Mermail - Abyssdine [Rare]
WATER/Aqua - Effect/3/1000/200
When this card is added by a card effect from your deck or Graveyard to your hand, if you control a "Mermail" Monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Also, when this card is successfully Special Summoned by the effect of a "Mermail" Monster, you can select 1 Level 3 or lower "Mermail" Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. The effect of "Mermail - Abyssdine" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP033 Mermail - Abyssnose

CBLZ-JP033 Mermail - Abyssnose
WATER/Fish - Effect/4/1500/1500
When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can activate this effect by discarding 1 WATER Monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Special Summon 1 "Mermail" Monster from your Deck into face-up Defense Position. The effect of "Mermail - Abyssnose" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP034 Mermail - Leedabyss

CBLZ-JP034 Mermail - Leedabyss [Super Rare]
WATER/Sea-Serpent - Effect/7/2700/1000
Activate this effect during your Main Phase by discarding 3 other WATER Monster from your hand to your Graveyard. Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is successfully Special Summoned this way, you can select 1 "Abyss" Magic or Trap Card in your Graveyard and add it to your hand. Also, you can Release 1 other face-up Attack Position "Mermail" Monster you control to have your opponent sent a random card from their hand to the Graveyard. The effect of "Mermail - Leedabyss" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP035 Magical Maker, Mat

CBLZ-JP035 Magical Maker, Mat 
EARTH/Spellcaster - Effect/3/1600/900
Once per turn, you can send 1 "Magical Book" Magic Card from your Deck to your Graveyard. During the End Phase of the turn you activated this effect, if the number of "Magical Book" Magic Cards with different names in your Graveyard is 5 or more, you can Release this card to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher DARK Spellcaster-Type Monster from your deck.

CBLZ-JP036 Magical Dark Knight, La Mort

CBLZ-JP036 Magical Dark Knight, La Mort [Rare]
DARK/Spellcaster - Effect/6/2000/1600
You can activate this effect when this card is successfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned. This card gains the following effect(s) based on the number of "Magical Book" Magic Cards with different names in your Graveyard. The effect of "Magical Dark Knight La Mort" can only be used once per turn. ● 3 or more: This card gains 600 ATK. ● 4 or more: Add 1 "Magical Book" Magic Card from your Deck to your hand. ● 5 or more: Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher DARK Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck.

CBLZ-JP037 Red Flame Knight

CBLZ-JP037 Red Flame Knight [Rare]
FIRE/Warrior - Effect/4/1400/1200
If this card is face-up on the field when an other FIRE monster on the field is destroyed and sent to your Graveyard, send 1 FIRE Monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. Also, when this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, send 1 FIRE Monster to the Graveyard. The effect of "Red Flame Knight" can only be used once per turn.

CBLZ-JP038 Inaribi

CBLZ-JP038 Inaribi 
FIRE/Pyro - Effect/4/1500/200
If you control a Spellcaster-Type Monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this face-up card on the field is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon this card during your next Standby Phase from your Graveyard. You can only control 1 face-up "Inaribi" at the same time.

CBLZ-JP039 Valkyrie Knight

CBLZ-JP039 Valkyrie Knight
FIRE/Warrior - Effect/4/1900/1200
While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select Warrior-Type Monsters other than "Valkyrie Knight" as attack target. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove from play this card and 1 Warrior-Type Monster in your Graveyard from play to select 1 Level 5 or higher Warrior-Type Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.

CBLZ-JP040 Flame Spirit God Pyrorex

CBLZ-JP040 Flame Spirit God Pyrorex [Super Rare]
FIRE/Dinosaur - Effect/8/2800/2200
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except when you have exactly 5 FIRE Monster in your Graveyard. When this card is successfully Special Summoned, activate this effect by selecting 1 Monster your opponent controls. Destroy the selected Monster, and inflict Damage to both players equal to half of the original ATK of the destroyed Monster. The effect of "Flame Spirit God Pyrorex" can only be used once per turn. If this card is removed from the field, skip your next turn's Battle Phase.

CBLZ-JP041 Flame Gear- Shiryu

CBLZ-JP041 Flame Gear - Shiryuu
FIRE/Pyro - Effect/8/2900/1800
This card can be Normal Summoned with 1 Monster as Release. If Normal Summoned this way, take 1000 Damage during each of your End Phases. Also, when this card attacks a Defense Position Monster, and its ATK exceeds that monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

CBLZ-JP042 Leontauros

CBLZ-JP042 Leontauros
EARTH/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1500/1600
If this card battles with a Monster other than a Normal Monster, this card gains 500 ATK for the duration of the Damage Step only.

CBLZ-JP043 Aster Drawn

CBLZ-JP043 Aster Drawn [Normal Rare]
EARTH/Spellcaster - Effect/4/1600/1000
If this card is used as Xyz Material, you can treat this card as Level 5 Monster. Also, the Xyz Monster that has this card as Xyz Material gains the following effect: When this card is Xyz Summoned, draw 1 card.

CBLZ-JP044 Red Duston

CBLZ-JP044 Red Duston [Normal Rare]
FIRE/Demon - Effect/1/0/1000
This card cannot be Released, or used as Fusion, Synchro or Xyz Material. When this card on the field is destroyed, the controller of this card takes 500 Damage. You can control only 1 face-up "Red Duston" at the same time.

CBLZ-JP045 No. 92: False Skeletal God Dragon, Heart-eartH Dragon

CBLZ-JP045 No. 92: False Skeletal God Dragon, Heart-eartH Dragon [Ultra/Ultimate/Holographic Rare]
DARK/Dragon - Xyz - Effect/Rank 9/0/0
3x Level 9 Monster
This card cannot be destroyed by battle, and all Battle Damage to you from battles involving this card is inflicted to your opponent instead. During your opponent's End Phase, you can remove 1 of this card's Xyz Materials to remove from play all cards Normal Summoned, Special Summoned or Set during this turn. If this card with Xyz Material is destroyed, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. When this card is successfully Special Summoned this way, it gains 1000 ATK for each card that is removed from play.

CBLZ-JP046 No. 53: False Skeletal God, Heart-eartH

CBLZ-JP046 No. 53: False Skeletal God, Heart-eartH [Ultra/Ultimate Rare]
DARK/Demon - Xyz - Effect/Rank 5/100/100
3x Level 5 Monster
Once per turn, when this card is selected as attack target, this card gains ATK equal to the original ATK of the attacking Monster until the End Phase. If this card on the field would be destroyed, you can remove 1 of it's Xyz Materials instead. If this card without Xyz Materials is destroyed by a card effect, you can Special Summon 1 "No. 92 False Skeletal God Dragon, Heart-eartH Dragon" from your Extra Deck as Xyz Summon, and place this card in your Graveyard as Xyz Material under it.

CBLZ-JP047 Zexal Weapon - Lion Arms

CBLZ-JP047 Zexal Weapon - Lion Arms [Ultra/Ultimate Rare]
LIGHT/Beast - Xyz - Effect/Rank 5/3000/1200
2x Level 5 Monster
This card cannot attack directly. Once per turn, you can remove 1 of this card's Xyz Materials to add 1 "Zexal Weapon" Monster from your Deck to your hand. Also, you can equip this monster you control to a "Aspiring Emperor, Hope" Monster you control as Equip Card, that has it gain 3000 ATK. During a Battle Phase the equipped Monster attacked, you can send this equipped card to the Graveyard to have the equipped monster attack 1 more time an opponent's monster during that Battle Phase.

CBLZ-JP048 Leader Flame Star King - Souko

CBLZ-JP048 Leader Flame Star King - Souko [Ultra/Ultimate Rare]
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Xyz - Effect/Rank 4/2200/1800
2x Level 4 Beast-Warrior-Type monster
When this card is Xyz Summoned, you can set 1 "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Card from your deck. Also, once per turn, you can remove 1 of this card's Xyz Materials to negate the effects of all Effect Monsters on the field, except Beast-Warrior-Type Monster, until the End of your opponent's turn. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can sent 3 face-up "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Cards to the Graveyard, to Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior Type Monster with the same ATk from your Deck in Defense Position.

CBLZ-JP049 Haze Beast Basilicok

CBLZ-JP049 Haze Beast Basilicok [Rare]
FIRE/Pyro - Xyz - Effect/Rank 6/2500/1800
2 or more Level 6 FIRE Monster (max. 5 in total)
Once per turn, activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card. Select 1 Monster your opponent controls or in their Graveyard and remove it from play. Also, depending on the number of Xyz Materials this card has, you can apply the following effect(s): ●3 or more: This card gains 200 ATK and DEF for each Xyz Material it has. ● 4 or more: This card cannot become the target of your opponent's card effects. ● 5: This card cannot be destroyed by card effects.

CBLZ-JP050 Mermail - Abysstrite

CBLZ-JP050 Mermail - Abysstrite [Rare]
WATER/Sea-Serpent - Xyz - Effect/Rank 3/1600/2800
3x Level 3 Monster
When a "Mermail" Monster you control becomes the target of an opponent's Magic or Trap Card Effect, OR the attack target of an opponent's monster, you can remove 1 Xyz Material from this card to activate this effect. Change that target to this card instead. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Mermail" Monster other than "Abysstrite" in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.

CBLZ-JP051 Terrorfang Wolf Direwolf

CBLZ-JP051 Terrorfang Wolf Direwolf [Super Rare]
EARTH/Beast - Xyz - Effect/Rank 4/2000/1200
2 x Level 4 Monster
Once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card and selecting 1 Beast-Type, Beast-Warrior-Type or Bird-Type Monster you control and 1 card on the field. Destroy the selected cards.

CBLZ-JP052 Lightning Plover

CBLZ-JP052 Lightning Plover [Super Rare]
WIND/Thunder - Xyz - Effect/Rank 4/1900/1600
2 x Level 4 WIND Monster
When this card is successfully Xyz Summoned, you can select 1 Set Card your opponent controls and return it to the bottom of the owner's deck. Also, once per turn, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card. Select 1 face-up card your opponent controls and return it to the top of the owner's deck.

CBLZ-JP053 Shy-NEET Magician

CBLZ-JP053 Shy-NEET Magician [Super Rare]
LIGHT/Spellcaster - Xyz - Effect/Rank 1/200/2100
2 x Level 1 Monster
Once per turn, this card is not destroyed by battle. When a Magic, Trap Card or Effect Monster's Effect is activated that targets this card, you can activate this effect by removing 1 Xyz Material from this card. Negate the activation and destroy that card.

CBLZ-JP054 Zerozelock

CBLZ-JP054 Zerozelock
Continuous Magic Card
While this card is on the field, your opponent cannot select face-up Attack Position Monster with 0 ATK as attack target.

CBLZ-JP055 Gagaga Draw

CBLZ-JP055 Gagaga Draw [Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Remove from play 3 "Gagaga" Monster in your Graveyard. Draw 2 cards.

CBLZ-JP056 Xyz Double Back

CBLZ-JP056 Xyz Double Back 
Quick-Play Magic Card
Activate if you control no Monster during the turn an Xyz Monster you control was destroyed. Select 1 Xyz Monster that was destroyed during this turn and 1 Monster with lower ATK than that Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon them. The Monsters Special Summoned by this effect are destroyed during the End Phase.

CBLZ-JP057 Reborn Medallion

CBLZ-JP057 Reborn Medallion [Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Activate by selecting 1 "Heraldic Beast" Monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monster.

CBLZ-JP058 Flame Dance - Tensuu

CBLZ-JP058 Flame Dance - "Tensuu" 
Continuous Magic Card
While this card is on the field, only once during your Main Phase, you can Normal Summon 1 Beast-Warrior-Type Monster in addition in your Normal Summon per turn. Also, while this card is on the field, Beast-Warrior-Type Monster you control gain 100 ATK.

CBLZ-JP059 Flame Dance - Tenki

CBLZ-JP059 Flame Dance - "Tenki" [Rare]
Continuous Magic Card
After activation of this card, you can add 1 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior-Type Monster from your deck to your hand. Also, while this card is on the field, Beast-Warrior-Type Monster you control gain 100 ATK. Only 1 "Flame Dance - "Tenki"" can be activated per turn.

CBLZ-JP060 Haze Pillar

CBLZ-JP060 Haze Pillar
Continuous Magic Card
While this card is on the field, if you Normal Summon a "Haze Beast" Monster, you can do it with 1 Release less than necessary. Also, once per turn, you can activate this effect by selecting 1 Xyz Monster you control. Place 1 "Haze Beast" Monster from your hand or that you control under the selected Xyz Monster as Xyz Material.

CBLZ-JP061 Abysscale - Ketos

CBLZ-JP061 Abysscale - Ketos
Equip Magic Card
Equip only to a "Mermail" Monster. The equipped Monster gains 600 ATK. While this card is on the field, negate the effect of a Trap card activated on your opponent's field. Afterwards, send this card to the Graveyard.

CBLZ-JP062 Magical Book of Sefer

CBLZ-JP062 Magical Book of Sefer
Normal Magic Card
If you control a Spellcaster-Type Monster, you can activate this effect by revealing 1 other "Magical Book" Magic Card in your hand, and selecting 1 "Magical Book" Normal Magic Card in your Graveyard other than "Magical Book of Sepher". The effect of this card becomes the effect of the selected Normal Magic Card. Only 1 "Magical Book of Sepher" can be activated per turn.

CBLZ-JP063 Disorderly March

CBLZ-JP063 Disorderly March
Normal Magic Card
If you control any Beast-Type, Beast-Warrior-Type or Bird-Type Monster, draw 1 card for each 1 Type of them. During the turn you activated this card, you cannot activate the effects of other Magic or Trap Cards.

CBLZ-JP064 Sovereign of the Advance

CBLZ-JP064 Sovereign of the Advance
Continuous Magic Card
While this card is on the field, Advance Summoned Monster you control cannot become the target of card effects nor destroyed by card effects. Also, while this card is on the field, you cannot Special Summon Monster from the Extra Deck.

CBLZ-JP065 Quick Booster

CBLZ-JP065 Quick Booster [Super Rare]
Quick-Play Magic Card
Select 1 Quick-Play Magic Card in your Graveyard other than "Quick Booster" and return it to your deck. Also, if this card on the field is destroyed by your opponent and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 Quick-Play Magic Card other than "Quick Booster" from your deck to your hand.

CBLZ-JP066 The Survivors of War

CBLZ-JP066 The Survivors of War
Normal Magic Card
Activate if neither player controls any other card. Select 1 WATER or WIND Monster in your Graveyard and add it to your hand.

CBLZ-JP067 Exhibiting Goblin

CBLZ-JP067 Exhibiting Goblin [Normal Rare]
Continuous Magic Card
During your End Phase, reveal the card at the bottom of your deck, then either place it on top of your deck or remove it from play face-down.

CBLZ-JP068 Dimension Gate

CBLZ-JP068 Dimension Gate
Continuous Trap Card
After activation of this card, select 1 Monster you control and remove it from play face-up. Also, when your opponent declares a direct attack with a Monster, you can send this face-up card on the field to the Graveyard. If this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon the Monster removed from play by the effect of this card.

CBLZ-JP069 Xyz Dimension Splash

CBLZ-JP069 Xyz Dimension Splash
Normal Trap Card
If this set card is removed from play, you can Special Summon 2 Level 8 WATER Monster from your Deck. The Monsters Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack, have their effects negated and cannot be released.

CBLZ-JP070 Change Medallion

CBLZ-JP070 Change Medallion
Normal Trap Card
Activate when your opponent declares an attack with a Monster. Special Summon 1 "Heraldic Beast" Monster from your hand, and the Battle Phase ends.

CBLZ-JP071 Flame Dance - Tensen

CBLZ-JP071 Flame Dance - "Tensen" 
Continuous Trap Card
After activation, select 1 Beast-Warrior-Type Monster you control. Until the End Phase, the selected Monster gains 700 ATK. Also, while this card is on the field, Beast-Warrior-Type Monster you control gain 300 ATK.

CBLZ-JP072 Flame Dance - Tenken

CBLZ-JP072 Flame Dance - "Tenken" 
Continuous Trap Card
This card can only be activated during Main Phase 1. After activation of this card, select 1 Beast-Warrior-Type Monster you control. For the duration of the Main Phase 1 you activated this card, the selected monster has its effect(s) negated, and is unaffected by card effects other than this card's effect. Also, while this card is on the field, Beast-Warrior-Type Monster you control gain 300 ATK.

CBLZ-JP073 Extreme Flame Dance - Seito

CBLZ-JP073 Extreme Flame Dance - "Seito" 
Normal Trap Card
Activate this card by removing from play 7 "Flame Dance" Magic or Trap Cards from your Graveyard. Special Summon as many "Flame Star" Monster from your Graveyard as possible. Afterwards, select a number of "Flame Star" Magic or Trap Cards, except "Extreme Flame Dance - "Seito", from your deck equal up to the number of Monsters Special Summoned by this effect, and set them to your field.

CBLZ-JP074 Haze Glory

CBLZ-JP074 Haze Glory
Continuous Trap Card
While this card is on the field, if you Normal Summon a "Haze Beast" Monster, you can do it with 1 Release less than necessary. Also, by sending this face-up card from the field to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Haze" Card other than "Haze Glory" and add it to your hand.

CBLZ-JP075 Abysscone

CBLZ-JP075 Abysscone
Normal Trap Card
Activate by selecting 1 "Mermail" Monster you control. Until the End Phase, the selected Monster gains 1000 ATK. Also, when this set card is sent to the Graveyard, select 1 Monster your opponnent controls and send it to the Graveyard.

CBLZ-JP076 Spikeshield with Chain

CBLZ-JP076 Spikeshield with Chain 
Normal Trap Card
After activation this card becomes an Equip Card to a Monster you control, and increases the ATK of the equipped Monster by 500. If the equipped Monster battles while in Defense Position, the equipped Monster gains DEF equal to its ATK during the Damage Calculation only.

CBLZ-JP077 Xyz Tribal

CBLZ-JP077 Xyz Tribal
Continuous Trap Card
While this card is on the field, an Xyz Monster with 2 or more Xyz Materials cannot be destroyed by card effects. Also, destroy an opponent's monster that battles with an Xyz Monster you control with 2 or more Xyz Materials after the Damage Calculation.

CBLZ-JP078 Breakthrough Skill

CBLZ-JP078 Breakthrough Skill [Super Rare]
Normal Trap Card
Activate this effect by selecting 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls. Negate the effect(s) of the selected opponent's Monster until the end of the turn. Also, you can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to select 1 opponent's Effect Monster and have its effect(s) negated until the end of the turn. You cannot activate this effect during the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard, and only during your turn.

CBLZ-JP079 Jurrac Impact

CBLZ-JP079 Jurrac Impact 
Normal Trap Card
Activate only if you control a Dinosaur-Type Monster with 2500 ATK or more. Destroy all cards on the field.

CBLZ-JP080 Reprimand

CBLZ-JP080 Reprimand [Normal Rare]
Continuous Trap Card
When your opponent Special Summons a Monster, roll 1 dice. If the result is equal to the Level of the Special Summoned Monster, return it to the owner's hand.


Nombre: Super Mario Flash (Plaformas) -
Controles: A D (mover) 2 (saltar) 4 (bola de fuego) S (agacharse)
Instrucciones: Versión Flash del superclásico de Nintendo. Ayuda a Mario a rescatar a la princesa Toadstool de las garras del malvado Bowser
Tamaño: 1929 kbs [Foro]
Juega y comenta xD;>